Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The book is out and so is the podcast

Today, the free online version of the book, "Studying Students: The Undergraduate Research Project at the University of Rochester," came out! Yeah.

It's available at:

The print version is in route to the distributors and will "hit the streets" next week. $28...

There is also a podcast about the book featuring me, Judi and Ann.

Gawk. My voice is very high and I have that horrible Rochester accent. Sigh. I also made a factual error in the first sentence. Rats. David worked at *Xerox* not Kodak...


circulating said...

I listened to the podcast this weekend as was WOWed...!! Having now downloaded the online version of the book, I will now see how "students with cameras" might work with our public library teens...

thanks for the inspiration as always...

practical katie said...

I bet teens and cameras would be fascinating!

circulating said...

or else really scary...!!

practical katie said...

isn't "fascinating" always scary with teens?!