Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Place for Everyone

I was over in Carlson Library this afternoon and Trina showed me this list (edited slightly) her circulation students have made. It made me laugh. I love it that there are fans of *everyplace* in the library!

Reasons Why We Are Better Than Rush Rhees:

  1. We have Trina
  2. Carlson has coffee and tea
  3. Overall super awesome staff of epic proportions
  4. We have Ferdous (Super TA) & 2 human calculators
  5. We have earplugs
  6. We have Sony headphones and real calculators and Rush Rhees has 99 cent headphones and calculators
  7. We have a glass staircase
  8. We have better bathrooms
  9. We are not attached to Gleason
  10. We have study rooms
  11. Carlson is fireproof
  12. We have good lighting
  13. We have a combine 8,000,000,000 credit hours worth of science knowledge
  14. You can't get lost in Carlson

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Writing a Book

This morning Alan showed me the gorgeous book he helped his wife write. It made me dream again about writing a book. Well, not actually writing a book. I would love to HAVE WRITTEN a book. Sadly, not only is writing a very painful process for me, I don't think I have a book worth of content in me. Darn it. Brenda just finished a book. Susan has written two books. I'm following two people on twitter who just finished their books. Everyone around me is writing books and I'm writing dorky blog posts. Sigh.